
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” | Romans 8:37


Let's Be More Than Conquerors!

Let’s break free from the bondage of pornography and lust. With this culture promoting sexuality more than ever this is satans main strategy to keep men in this sin cycle of bondage. Pornography is keeping men away from who God designed men to be. Men’s sexual identity and masculinity is being challenged and it stops here. It is also one of the main ways that can lead a person to get caught up in sex trafficking. If we take away the consumer, then you take away the industry.  

This series includes understanding scripturally and scientifically how deviating from God’s design affects mens minds and hearts. It is a safe place where men are able to trust and grow with other men looking to conquer or are already Conquerors!

Join and gather the tools to equip yourself, your family, and help other men.

Our next class starts October 30th 2024 and continues for 10 weeks. We meet via Zoom every Wednesday from 6:30am – 8:30am central standard time. You can still sign up, even if we’ve started!